Challenges A list of interesting challenges and topics I did on HackerRank, Codewars and Codingame websites Work in progress Python SQL List Comprehensions Distinct Even IDs String Formatting Count duplicate cities Input + eval Min and max Exceptions Starts with vowels Sets Ends with vowels Sets Operations Starts and ends with vowels Sets Mutations Does not start with vowels Captain's Room Does not end with vowels Subset Higher than 75 Collections.counter Select from two tables Calendar Module Count aggregate Itertools Combinations Sum aggregate Camel Case Average aggregate Flipping Bits Round aggregate Pangrams Max/min aggregates Mars Exploration Query 2 values Permuting Two Arrays Sales by Match Migratory Birds Deque Caesar Cipher Diagonal Difference Zipped Maximize It! Dynamic Array Sum of digits Cut the sticks Service Lane Minimum Distances Taum and B'day Equalize the Array Chocolate Feast Find the unique numbr Balanced Parenthesis Sandclock Print N_digits in c numbers Reduce ord Voted for everyone Str step transformation RPN RPN2 String prices Subnet masks To Palyndrome DNA Count Bouncing ball Population Growth Series Sum