
This is todo list project for practicing how to write go.

Primary LanguageGo


This is todo list project for practicing how to write go.
There are four APIs, and db is file now.

  1. curl http://localhost:7070/todo-list/get?username=user1
  2. curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/todo-list/create?username=user1&task=hi
  3. curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/todo-list/delete?username=user1&task=hi
  4. curl http://localhost:7070/users


  • Change file schema, add create time for task.
  • Add API to edit task name and remove task.
  • Change response data structure.
  • Add unit test.
  • Add API to query user.
  • Add API to create new user.
  • Connect google calendar or google tasks.

Make sure the code and folder structure follow up the following advises.

  1. https://github.com/llitfkitfk/go-best-practice
  2. Ptt-official-app/Ptt-backend#16
  3. https://ronmi.github.io/post/go/effectivego/
  4. https://openhome.cc/Gossip/Go/index.html
  5. https://golang.org/doc/effective_go#control-structures
  6. Go Example Chinese: https://gobyexample-cn.github.io/
  7. Go Example Englisg: https://gobyexample.com/
  8. Go FAQ: https://golang.org/doc/faq

Data Structure

This is a very simple structure.

  "user1": {
    "sequence": 1,
    "todo": [
        "id": 1,
        "name": "eat1",
        "create_at": 1618491050221
    "create_at": 1618491050221