
This headless application manages the processing of a queue of tasks which requires communication with a throttled external system. In particular, it retrieves short URLs from bit.ly for which request threshold depends on the pricing plans.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Firefly Sample App: Throttled Queue Processing

This headless application manages the processing of a queue of tasks which requires communication with a throttled external system. In particular, it retrieves short URLs from bit.ly for which request threshold depends on the pricing plans.


  • Populate the .env file in the project root with the values as shown in the sample dot-env file

Local Dev

  • aio app run to start your local Dev server
  • Actions are automatically deployed after a code file is saved
  • There is no UI in this headless app
  • You can use the test-urls.csv to test the app

Test & Coverage

  • This sample app does not have any tests yet. You should try it out in a development environment.
  • The sample E2E and unit tests are automatically generated by the AIO App Plugin.
  • Run aio app test to run unit tests for actions
  • Run aio app test -e to run e2e tests

Deploy & Cleanup

  • aio app deploy to build and deploy all actions on Runtime and static files to CDN
  • aio app undeploy to undeploy the app