ROS Melodic/Noetic
- Variable admittance control
- Set robot initial pose and position for simulating the real setting in our lab
- Set the consitant value T
- Complie the file through
catkin build
- Source
source ~/{$workspace_name}/devel/setup.bash
- Bring UR10e in Gazebo:
roslaunch ur_e_gazebo ur10e.launch controller:=cartesian_velocity_controller_sim
- Run admittance control:
roslaunch Admittance Admittance.launch
- Exert external fake force:
roslaunch Admittance Wrench_Fake.launch
Admittance control parameters: /control_algorithm/Admittance/config/AdmittanceParams.yaml
VAC parameters: Admittance.cpp
Fake external wrench: /control_algorithm/Admittance/src/WrenchSignalGenerate.cpp
- Update the real setting
- Update the end-effector
- Check the end-effector orientation setting
- Add Moveit! function