
Primary LanguagePython

Pytorch Implementation of A2C

This repo implements the A2C algorithm for reinforcement learning with emphasis on speed and modularity. A2C is the synchronized version of Asynchronous advantage actor-critic(A3C). A2C has been implemented and studied by many AI researchers and notablely been part of the OpenAI baseline. However, the detailed description of A2C is hard to find online. In this project, we implement our own version with reference to the OpenAI baseline and write down some key design choices to help understand the codebase.


In the original A3C, N instances of the enviroment, e.g. an Atari game, run asynchronously and each instance has its own actor to produce trajactories (sequences of game play timesteps) used for asynchronous parameter updates. In A2C, a batch of environments are sychronized at every step, meaning that they produce a batch of states, the agent consume that batch and produce a batch of actions, and then the environments perform corresponding actions to produce the next batch of states. This method can increase the utilization of GPU and thus increase speed.

In A3C, each enviroment collect a trajectory of maximum length T and the trajectory may be shorter if end state is encountered. In A2C, we naturally repeat the batched step T times to collect N trajectories of length T. However, end states may appear in one or more trajactories. In those cases, the trajectory is simply a concatenation of two shorter trajectories. For example, if T = 5, it may happen that the first 2 nodes in the trajectory record the information of the last two frames of one episode and the last 3 nodes in the trajactory record the begining of a new episode. In this way, we can easily convert N trajectories if length T into N * T pairs of (input, target) tuples to maximize the training speed.


This implementation is very fast. It runs at 2300 frames/s on my 4 core CPU + GTX1080 desktop to train on Pong with 16 environments/processes, which is more than 20% faster than some existing implementation running on the same machine. Benchmarking on machines with more CPU cores will be added.


python3 main.py --env_name SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4 --num_envs 16 --exp_name run1

See main.py for a complete list of optional command line arguments.

Future Work

  1. NoisyNet for exploration
  2. ACKTR