
About Linking to KB

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Thank you for your wonderful research.
Can you walk me through how you link to the KB in your code?
It would be even better if you could suggest a reference to implement the pipeline from entity extraction to linking to KB and finally generating KGEs.
Thank you so much!

And I'm interested in the part from text to KB

Hello @VTaPo,

Thank you for your interest in our work. I have conducted exact matching of the nouns appearing in the question with the entities in the KB. If you provide your email, I can share the related preprocessing code with you.

Best Regards,

Hello @VTaPo,

I think your email address was masked due to GitHub's policy. Thus, I have attached the dropbox download link for preprocessing codes of the Hypergraph Transformer as follows: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cxcflsexwu10eegycrtmz/preprocessing_for_HGT.zip?rlkey=se90f0468b8dnf5qeu4bkqw7d&dl=0

Best Regards,