
The application is designed for searching and rating movies. It provides access to movie information through TMDB API (VPN may be necessary).



Tech Stack:

  • Next JS
  • TypeScript
  • Mantine UI


"Movie Search" Page

  • View available movies with filters.
  • Click on a movie for detailed information.
  • Rate movies by clicking their stars, saving them.
  • Unrate movies by clicking the star again and confirming.

"Rated" Page

  • View and edit rated movies and their ratings.
  • Search rated movies by title.
  • Unrate movies by clicking the star and confirming.
  • Click on a movie for detailed information.

"Movie" Page

  • View movie details.

Additional Features

  • Display a loader while waiting for server response.
  • Show an empty state if movie lists are empty.
  • Implement pagination.
  • Proxy all requests to TMDB API.
  • Validate filter values on both client and server sides.
  • The minimum page width for correct display is 320px.