[TVCG 2024] Official implementation of "JIMR: Joint Semantic and Geometry Learning for Point Scene Instance Mesh Reconstruction”

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

JIMR: Joint Semantic and Geometry Learning for Point Scene Instance Mesh Reconstruction (TVCG 2024)

This repository contains the official implementation for the paper: JIMR: Joint Semantic and Geometry Learning for Point Scene Instance Mesh Reconstruction . [IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics'24]

Given an uncolored 3D point cloud of a indoor scene, JIMR recognizes instance objects with bounding boxes and segmented points, then reconstructs corresponding meshes. teaser teaser

To do so, a network with two cascaded stages is designed: teaser


  • Release code for inference. 2024.05.22
  • clean and reorganize the code
  • Release code for demo (quick inference without GT)
  • Release code for training
  • Release code for evaluation
  • Release code for visualization

🛠️ Setup

  • Different from the paper: We used torch 1.7.0 and spconv1.0 in the experiments of the paper. Here we update to torch 1.7.1 and spconv2.0. Spconv2.0 is much more easier to install than spconv1.0.

  • We test our codes under the following environment: Ubuntu 18.04.5, Python 3.8.19, CUDA 11.0.

  • We use spconv2 for the sparse convolution backbone. To support this, please make sure that your cuda version is bigger than 11.0.

  1. Clone this repository.
git clone git@github.com:YuQiao0303/JIMR.git
  1. Install python packages. Modify the code according to your own cuda version:
conda create --name jimr python=3.8
conda activate jimr

pip install torch==1.7.1 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu110/torch_stable.html # replace to your own cuda version

pip install spconv-cu113 # if your cuda version is cuda11.x, use this line
# pip install spconv-cu120 # if your cuda version is cuda12.x, use this line

pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Install extentions:
  • ext_PG_OP
# developed by us
cd lib/ext_PG_OP
python setup.py develop
  • PG_OP
# https://github.com/dvlab-research/PointGroup
cd lib/pointgroup_ops
python setup.py develop

If /home/yuqiao/dimr/lib/pointgroup_ops/src/datatype/datatype.h:7:10: fatal error: google/dense_hash_map: No such file or directory #include <google/dense_hash_map>, try:

apt-get install libsparsehash-dev 

reference: facebookresearch/SparseConvNet#96

  • rotated iou:
# https://github.com/lilanxiao/Rotated_IoU
cd lib/rotated_iou/cuda_op
python setup.py develop
  • libmise:
# https://github.com/autonomousvision/occupancy_networks/tree/406f79468fb8b57b3e76816aaa73b1915c53ad22
cd lib/libmise
python setup.py build_ext --inplace
  • chamfer distance:
# https://github.com/ThibaultGROUEIX/ChamferDistancePytorch/tree/master/chamfer3D
cd lib/chamfer_distance
python setup.py develop

💾Prepare the data

We aim to organize our dataset folder as following:

│   ├── scannet
│   │   ├── scannetv2-labels-combined.tsv # scannet label mappings
│   │   ├── processed_data # preprocessed data
│   │   │   ├── scene0000_00 
│   │   │   │   ├── bbox.pkl
│   │   │   │   ├── data.npz
│   │   │   ├── ......
│   │   │   ├── scene0706_00
│   │   ├── rfs_label_map.csv # generated label mappings
│   ├── ShapeNetv2_data # preprocessed shapenet dataset
│   │   ├── watertight_scaled_simplified
│   │   ├── watertight_scaled_simplified
│   │   ├── watertight_scaled_simplified
│   ├── splits # data splits
│   │   ├── train.txt
│   │   ├── val.txt
│   │   ├── test.txt

To do so:

  • download the data preprocesssed by DIMR authors here (~3.3G).

  • download the preprocessed ShapeNet (simplified watertight mesh) following RfDNet into ShapeNetv2_data, only the watertight_scaled_simplified, points, point_cloud are used.

Our pretrained weight of JIMR can be downloaded from: this Google Drive link. You can put it in the root path as /jimr/jimr_spconv2.pth, or anywhere you want, but modify the config files accordingly.


Run inference:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python test.py --config config/test_phase2_scannet.yaml

The results will be saved in exp/scannetv2/rfs/test_phase2_scannet. You can drag the files into Meshlab to visualize them.


This work is built on many amazing research works and open-source projects, thanks a lot to all the authors for sharing!


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing our paper. We will update the citation information soon.