Mama Recipe

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Api Demo

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About The Project

Mama Recipe is a culinary platform that allows users to explore and share their favorite food recipes. Users can sign up as food enthusiasts and/or recipe creators. The platform offers a range of features tailored to both groups. This web application is built using ReactJS, ExpressJS, and PostgreSQL.

Built With

These are the libraries and service used for building this backend API


  1. Clone this repository
git clone
  1. Change directory to markisak-be
cd foodRecipe-server
  1. Install all of the required modules
npm install
  1. Create PostgreSQL database, query are provided in query.sql

  2. Create and configure .env file in the root directory, example credentials are provided in .env.example

- Please note that this server requires Google Drive API credentials and Gmail service account
- Otherwise API endpoint with image upload and account register won't work properly
  1. Run this command to run the server
npm run server
  • Or run this command for running in development environment
npm run dev
  • Run this command for debugging and finding errors
npm run lint


Documentation files are provided in the docs folder

API endpoint list are also available as published postman documentation

Run in Postman

Related Project

🚀 Backend Food Recipe Mobile App

🚀 API Demo

Project link : Food Recipe Server