A complete, yet simple, starter for Angular using Webpack.
This workflow serves as a starting point for building Angular 1.x applications using Webpack. Should be noted that apart from the pre-installed angular package, this workflow is pretty much generic.
- Heavily commented webpack configuration with reasonable defaults.
- ES6, and ES7 support with babel.
- Source maps included in all builds.
- Development server with live reload.
- Production builds with cache busting.
- PostCSS and jade support by default.
- Testing environment using karma to run tests and jasmine as the framework; protractor to End to End tests.
- Code coverage when tests are run.
- No gulp and no grunt, just npm scripts.
Warning: Make sure you're using the latest version of Node.js and NPM
Clone/Download the repo then edit
# clone our repo
$ git clone my-app
# change directory to your app
$ cd my-app
# install the dependencies with npm
$ npm install
# install selenium-webdriver (for e2e testing)
$ npm run selenium-install
# start the server
$ npm start
go to http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
What you need to run this app:
(Use NVM)- Ensure you're running Node (
+) and NPM (2.14.x
After you have installed all dependencies you can now run the app with:
npm start
It will start a local server using webpack-dev-server
which will watch, build (in-memory), and reload for you. The port will be displayed to you as http://localhost:8080
- single run:
npm run build
- single run:
npm run test
- live mode (TDD style):
npm run test-watch
- run
npm run selenium-start
and then: - single run:
npm run e2e
or - live mode (TDD style):
npm run e2e-watch
npm run stats
for code analysing ( Store your assets (images, etc.) that loads from html/jade in assets folder folder