Website Specifications

  • You can make this website about anything that you want (or nothing at all: you can just use filler text) as long as you meet the general layout guidelines
  • After you finish implementing the specifications, explore additional features with materialize or general html/css and try to make your website the prettiest
  • We will do a showcase of everyone's websites at the end of the meeting. Push your website to your forked repo and enable github pages.
  • Link to Sample Website Image


  • Include a header with a background image and text that is vertically and horizontally centered
  • Create a navigation bar with two (or more) links


  • The main content of the page should go inside of a div with a class of "container" and span 85% the width of the full page.
  • Create a section with 3 equally-sized columns of text
  • Create a section that has a text box to the left and an image to the right.
  • Create a section with two images with equal widths.


  • Create a footer that spans the entire width of the page.

Our work: