
Android Jetpack Compose LazyColumn scrollbar implementation

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

License Foo23 - Bar Foo23 - Bar

Scrollbars implementation for jetpack compose

Compose implementation of the scroll bar. Can drag, scroll smoothly and includes animations.


  • Support for:
    • Column, Row, LazyColumn, LazyRow, LazyVerticalGrid, LazyHorizontalGrid
  • Takes into account:
    • sticky headers
    • reverseLayout
  • Optional current position indicator
  • Multiple selection modes:
    • States (Disabled, Full, Thumb)
    • Actionable states (Always, WhenVisible)
  • Customizable look
  • Easy integration with other composables
  • Extensive UI tests
  • Sample app


Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Add it to your app build.gradle

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.nanihadesuka:LazyColumnScrollbar:2.1.0'

Available scrolls components

  • ColumnScrollbar
  • RowScrollbar
  • LazyColumnScrollbar
  • LazyRowScrollbar
  • LazyVerticalGridScrollbar
  • LazyHorizontalGridScrollbar

Example for LazyColumn

val listData = (0..1000).toList()
val listState = rememberLazyListState()

  state = listState,
  settings = ScrollbarSettings.Default  
) {
    LazyColumn(state = listState) {
        items(listData) {
            Text("Item $it")

indicatorContent example:

indicatorContent = { index, isThumbSelected ->
        text = "i: $index",
        Modifier.background(if (isThumbSelected) Color.Red else Color.Black, CircleShape)

Default settings parameters

 * @param thumbMinLength Thumb minimum length proportional to total scrollbar's length (eg: 0.1 -> 10% of total)
data class ScrollbarSettings(
  val enabled: Boolean = Default.enabled,
  val side: ScrollbarLayoutSide = Default.side,
  val alwaysShowScrollbar: Boolean = Default.alwaysShowScrollbar,
  val scrollbarPadding: Dp = Default.scrollbarPadding,
  val thumbThickness: Dp = Default.thumbThickness,
  val thumbShape: Shape = Default.thumbShape,
  val thumbMinLength: Float = Default.thumbMinLength,
  val thumbUnselectedColor: Color = Default.thumbUnselectedColor,
  val thumbSelectedColor: Color = Default.thumbSelectedColor,
  val selectionMode: ScrollbarSelectionMode = Default.selectionMode,
  val selectionActionable: ScrollbarSelectionActionable = Default.selectionActionable,
  val hideDelayMillis: Int = Default.hideDelayMillis,
  val hideDisplacement: Dp = Default.hideDisplacement,
  val hideEasingAnimation: Easing = Default.hideEasingAnimation,
  val durationAnimationMillis: Int = Default.durationAnimationMillis,
) {
  companion object {
    val Default = ScrollbarSettings(
      enabled = true,
      side = ScrollbarLayoutSide.End,
      alwaysShowScrollbar = false,
      thumbThickness = 6.dp,
      scrollbarPadding = 8.dp,
      thumbMinLength = 0.1f,
      thumbUnselectedColor = Color(0xFF2A59B6),
      thumbSelectedColor = Color(0xFF5281CA),
      thumbShape = CircleShape,
      selectionMode = ScrollbarSelectionMode.Thumb,
      selectionActionable = ScrollbarSelectionActionable.Always,
      hideDelayMillis = 400,
      hideDisplacement = 14.dp,
      hideEasingAnimation = FastOutSlowInEasing,
      durationAnimationMillis = 500,


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