We have tested NCScale on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
- yasm
- ISA-L(2.14.0)
- Java8
- ant
- core-site.xml You can set proper value in core-site.xml according to your installation (See example in conf/core-site.xml).
- hadoop-env.sh Set proper value to :
i. - hdfs-site.xml You can set proper value in core-site.xml according to your installation (See example in conf/hdfs-site.xml). Note that the
in NCScale. - masters This file contains the master ip.
- slaves This file constains all the slaves ip, one ip per line.
- We trigger the scaling process by putting a file (named scaling) into
:dd if=/dev/zero of=scaling bs=1M count=1
mv scaling /user/hadoop/scaling
- After scaling, you can get the scaling time by:
cat logs/hadoop-hadoop-raidnode-master.log | grep time
Xiaoyang Zhang, Yuchong Hu, Patrick P. C. Lee, Pan Zhou. "Toward Optimal Storage Scaling via Network Coding: From Theory to Practice." Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2018), Honolulu, HI, USA, April 2018. (AR: 309/1606 = 19.2%)
Please email to Yuchong Hu (yuchonghu@hust.edu.cn) if you have any questions.
Welcome to follow our other works!
- FAST 2021: https://github.com/YuchongHu/ecwide
- ICDCS 2021: https://github.com/YuchongHu/stripe-merge
- SoCC 2019: https://github.com/YuchongHu/echash
- INFOCOM 2018: https://github.com/YuchongHu/ncscale
- TOS: https://github.com/YuchongHu/doubler