
🏅 - A .Net wrapper for GlobalStats.io

Primary LanguageC#

StatsIO 🏅

Build status


var client = new StatsClient("Client-ID", "Client-Secret");
await client.Statistics.CreateAsync("Stats-Id", "Username");

Current Roadmap:

  • Statistics Implementations:
    • Statistics#CreateAsync
    • Statistics#UpdateAsync
    • Statistics$GetAsync
    • Statistics#ShowUserStatsAsync
    • Statistics#GetSectionAsync
    • Statistics#LeaderboadsAsync
  • Achievements Implementations:
    • Achievement#AllAsync
    • Achievement#ManualAsync
    • Achievement#DisplayUsersAsync
  • Need to figure linking out 🤔
  • Renamed project to something better.
  • Come up with better method names (?) 😩
  • APIException class for handling HTTP exceptions ⚠️