
CreateAsync call differs from Readme

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey there,

opening an issue here as a user reported an issue. He is using this awesome library :-) but is having some issue. He used the code as shown in the readme, but ends up with following:

Error CS1501: No overload for method 'CreateAsync' takes 2 arguments (CS1501)
public async void NewClient()
  var client = new StatsIOClient("Client-ID", "Client-Secret");
  await client.Statistics.CreateAsync("Stats-Id", "Username");

Seems to me that the CreateAsync method only accepts one paramter

public async Task<IOStatistics> CreateAsync(string name = null)

Want to check with you first before assuming something here :-)


@loberman sorry about the late response. Statistics#CreateAsync only takes a single argument.

Edit: Now that I look back at it, I need to update the library since couple features are missing. I was wondering if you finished rewriting the API or is it still the same?