Normally , we can use JSON or save an Object to NSUserDefault if the class is simple,but if the class has an other class property (class A have a propery p,but p is B class),the system method don't work.
So I made this.
###What is this
A category for NSObject that can serialization and unserialization any custom class.
It is universally to all custom class, and you just need use to two method to make serialize and unserialize.
This can make obj to dictionary and obj from dictionary . I think you can do dictionary to json or to NSUserDefaults etc by yourself .. yes you can ..
- Support complex class .
- Detector the custom C struct and ignore the unsupport value .
- Implement the NSCoding protocol .
- Can change the key to save and restore , usually we used it in network transfer .
This category work for any custom class , but be attention,the linked data structure may caused a dead loop.(Details see warning.)
- This category
not support basic data type
, such as NSValue,NSString,NSNumber,NSArray,NSDictionary,NSSet etc. (for example , [a savePropertiesToDictionary] , if a is NSValue class , the method will return nil) Not support C struct
, I have do my best to help you to save CGRect,CGPoint,CGSize,UIOffset,UIEdgeInsets,CGAffineTransform struct , if you really need to save other struct in your class , you'd better override the method -(NSDictionary*)savePropertiesToDictionary;- You should better use this category for your custom subclass of NSObject , it will be safe and work well . If you want to make it work for other class such as UIViewController , I am not sure there are no error but you can try.
###How it works
I use the KVC and the runtime to get & set the properties ,and I check if there is any super class and property class to make sure all it's properties will be find and used (But this may take a dead loop if this class has linked data structure).
If you really interest in the principle , just see my sources.
###At the end If you have any question,you can email me :wxy_yueruo@163.com