Start Server & Run Project
In one Terminal session, type:
cd .../sphero-project/spherov2.js/examples
sudo yarn server
Keep it running. In another Terminal session, type:
cd .../sphero-project/src
For command line IO, type:
or for voice IO, type:
Natural Language Commands (Command Line / Voice IO)
Put and under the src folder. supports command line IO to control your robot using natural English language. With the addition of, you are able to control your robot using voice!
To run command line IO, you need to install matplotlib:
pip3 install matplotlib
You also need to uncomment code in, change the robot serial ID with your own, start the server in one Terminal, cd into the src folder in another Terminal and type:
To run audio IO, you will need to install portaudio and pyaudio:
brew install portaudio
pip3 install pyaudio
Next, you need an account with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). When you register a new account, you'll get $300 of free credits. You need to enable speech-to-text module, set up a new project and service account in your GCP account and get a service account key file (this is going to be in .json format). Rename it credentials.json and put it under the src folder. You may also need to install and set up Google Cloud SDK locally. Look up GCP's documentation for more details.
As before, change the robot serial ID with your own in Make sure you recomment the code in if you decide to use voice IO.
To run voice IO, you need to start the server in one Terminal, cd into the src folder in another Terminal and type:
If you want to try audio IO, please try command line IO first.
If you are able to successfully run, say your command (using voice!) and see if text appears in the Terminal. To end the session, simply say any sentence containing one of the following keywords: "exit", "quit", "bye" or "goodbye".
Only a few commands are supported at the moment, including single move (e.g. "go straight"), sequential moves (e.g. "go straight and turn left"), dancing, making sound, changing color for one or both light(s), turning off one or both light(s).