[PGAI@CIKM 2023] PyTorch Implementation of LlamaRec: Two-Stage Recommendation using Large Language Models for Ranking
- a-tabazaPrincess Sumaya University for Technology
- cin-hubertDa Nang, Vietnam
- CZ-TAO12University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
- dfiniorgDfinity
- gbc1858ANL
- hardikudeshi
- HJYoooLG Corp
- huiminzeng
- iackerChina
- istarryn
- justinbuzzni
- Katherine-xy
- kiminh
- mansurul11
- mesutkaya
- mistlike
- mistyr0se@Shopify
- OligouToulouse, France
- Salvatore-Love南京大学
- samtorrent130
- SpursLipuPeking University, Sensetime
- SwiftLoft
- swufebear
- TDL77
- TianyuFan0504The University of Hong Kong
- vk0stUBRD
- wdzhwsh4067Happy company
- WLiKustc
- xiahaoyunICT, CAS
- xiaoGuo775
- Y77CH
- Yewx0310University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
- YiChenLove
- Yukiekiekie
- zhhhzhangBeijing