
(TODO) A compiler that compiles multiple languages into a common AST.

Primary LanguageRust

A Rust-based Abstract Compiler that works for multiple languages

Very long-term project, the goal here is to make a single compiler that compiles the source code of multiple different languages into a common AST interoperable with all the languages.

Where will this be useful? In static analysis of codebases that use multiple languages.

There's tons of better way to do things than I'm doing here, just hacking things together and learning on the way. Currently reading Engineering a Compiler.

I've parked this project for now, and will start it again soon, in ~2 weeks.

Technical details

Currently, the tokenizing is done through an FSA with the following state variables:

pub struct Token {
    token: String,
    line: u64,
    position: u64,
    token_type: TokenTypes

pub struct State {
    token: String,
    previous_char: Option<char>,
    pre_previous_char: Option<char>,
    token_stream: Vec<Token>,
    current_line: u64,
    current_position: u64,
    string_type: Option<char>

Executing the program on an example file should output a stream of tokens, along with their location (line and position) in the source code.

Most of the code should be straightforward I think, there's some refactoring to do later but the interfacing of the FSA with the state is kept simple through a bunch of interfacing methods defined on impl State.


I think State has a clean interface that'd be useful for parsing any language; it lets you develop an FSA and has a bunch of handy methods and functions to help you with it.

Ideally, using the same program for any other language should only consist of making changes to the process_file function in main.rs.

Current progress:

- C++ Compiler:

  • Tokenizing strings and chars is complete. cargo test to test it.
  • Math operations and logic (=, ==, +, ++, /, *, -, --, +=, -=, /=, *=) also works perfect.
  • Tokenizes classes and functions correctly as well.

- JavaScript Compiler:

  • Tokenizing strings and chars is complete except for template literals.
  • Math operations and logic are parsed perfectly.
  • Functions and arrow functions work.
  • Classes somewhat work, but not yet complete.

How to run

Make sure there's an example.cpp or an example.js file in the /lexer directory. Then: cargo run.

The compiler should run for the given example.cpp or the example.js file.


cargo test

Sample input and output:

If this is example.cpp:

using namespace std;

class ExampleClass: public RandomClass {
        string randomProperty;
        //std::cout also parses correctly
        void printname() { std::cout << "Some string" << randomProperty; }
int main() {
    ExampleClass obj1;
    obj1.randomProperty = "Example String";
    return 0;

bool f = !!true;

int a = b;
if (a == b) {}
if (a != b) {}
int c = a / b;

The output should be:

Token { token: "using", line: 1, position: 6, token_type: Keywords(Using) }
Token { token: "namespace", line: 1, position: 16, token_type: Keywords(Namespace) }
Token { token: "std", line: 1, position: 20, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: ";", line: 1, position: 20, token_type: SpecialCharacters(Semicolon) }
Token { token: "class", line: 3, position: 6, token_type: Keywords(Class) }
Token { token: "ExampleClass", line: 3, position: 19, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: ":", line: 3, position: 19, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "public", line: 3, position: 27, token_type: Keywords(Public) }
Token { token: "RandomClass", line: 3, position: 39, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "{", line: 3, position: 40, token_type: SpecialCharacters(OpenCurly) }
Token { token: "public", line: 4, position: 11, token_type: Keywords(Public) }
Token { token: ":", line: 4, position: 11, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "string", line: 5, position: 15, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "randomProperty", line: 5, position: 30, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: ";", line: 5, position: 30, token_type: SpecialCharacters(Semicolon) }
Token { token: "void", line: 7, position: 13, token_type: Keywords(Void) }
Token { token: "printname", line: 7, position: 23, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "(", line: 7, position: 23, token_type: SpecialCharacters(OpenParen) }
Token { token: ")", line: 7, position: 24, token_type: SpecialCharacters(CloseParen) }
Token { token: "{", line: 7, position: 26, token_type: SpecialCharacters(OpenCurly) }
Token { token: "std", line: 7, position: 31, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "::", line: 7, position: 31, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "cout", line: 7, position: 37, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "<<", line: 7, position: 38, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "\"Some string\"", line: 7, position: 53, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "<<", line: 7, position: 55, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "randomProperty", line: 7, position: 72, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: ";", line: 7, position: 72, token_type: SpecialCharacters(Semicolon) }
Token { token: "}", line: 7, position: 74, token_type: SpecialCharacters(CloseCurly) }
Token { token: "}", line: 8, position: 1, token_type: SpecialCharacters(CloseCurly) }
Token { token: ";", line: 8, position: 2, token_type: SpecialCharacters(Semicolon) }
Token { token: "int", line: 9, position: 4, token_type: Keywords(Int) }
Token { token: "main", line: 9, position: 9, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "(", line: 9, position: 9, token_type: SpecialCharacters(OpenParen) }
Token { token: ")", line: 9, position: 10, token_type: SpecialCharacters(CloseParen) }
Token { token: "{", line: 9, position: 12, token_type: SpecialCharacters(OpenCurly) }
Token { token: "ExampleClass", line: 10, position: 17, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "obj1", line: 10, position: 22, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: ";", line: 10, position: 22, token_type: SpecialCharacters(Semicolon) }
Token { token: "obj1.randomProperty", line: 11, position: 24, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "=", line: 11, position: 25, token_type: SpecialCharacters(Assignment) }
Token { token: "\"Example String\"", line: 11, position: 42, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: ";", line: 11, position: 43, token_type: SpecialCharacters(Semicolon) }
Token { token: "obj1.printname", line: 12, position: 19, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "(", line: 12, position: 19, token_type: SpecialCharacters(OpenParen) }
Token { token: ")", line: 12, position: 20, token_type: SpecialCharacters(CloseParen) }
Token { token: ";", line: 12, position: 21, token_type: SpecialCharacters(Semicolon) }
Token { token: "return", line: 13, position: 11, token_type: Keywords(Return) }
Token { token: "0", line: 13, position: 13, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: ";", line: 13, position: 13, token_type: SpecialCharacters(Semicolon) }
Token { token: "}", line: 14, position: 1, token_type: SpecialCharacters(CloseCurly) }
Token { token: "bool", line: 16, position: 5, token_type: Keywords(Bool) }
Token { token: "f", line: 16, position: 7, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "=", line: 16, position: 8, token_type: SpecialCharacters(Assignment) }
Token { token: "!!", line: 16, position: 10, token_type: SpecialCharacters(DoubleNegation) }
Token { token: "true", line: 16, position: 16, token_type: Keywords(True) }
Token { token: ";", line: 16, position: 16, token_type: SpecialCharacters(Semicolon) }
Token { token: "int", line: 18, position: 4, token_type: Keywords(Int) }
Token { token: "a", line: 18, position: 6, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "=", line: 18, position: 7, token_type: SpecialCharacters(Assignment) }
Token { token: "b", line: 18, position: 10, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: ";", line: 18, position: 10, token_type: SpecialCharacters(Semicolon) }
Token { token: "if", line: 19, position: 3, token_type: Keywords(If) }
Token { token: "(", line: 19, position: 4, token_type: SpecialCharacters(OpenParen) }
Token { token: "a", line: 19, position: 6, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "==", line: 19, position: 7, token_type: SpecialCharacters(Equals) }
Token { token: "b", line: 19, position: 11, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: ")", line: 19, position: 11, token_type: SpecialCharacters(CloseParen) }
Token { token: "{", line: 19, position: 13, token_type: SpecialCharacters(OpenCurly) }
Token { token: "}", line: 19, position: 14, token_type: SpecialCharacters(CloseCurly) }
Token { token: "if", line: 20, position: 3, token_type: Keywords(If) }
Token { token: "(", line: 20, position: 4, token_type: SpecialCharacters(OpenParen) }
Token { token: "a", line: 20, position: 6, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "!=", line: 20, position: 7, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "b", line: 20, position: 11, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: ")", line: 20, position: 11, token_type: SpecialCharacters(CloseParen) }
Token { token: "{", line: 20, position: 13, token_type: SpecialCharacters(OpenCurly) }
Token { token: "}", line: 20, position: 14, token_type: SpecialCharacters(CloseCurly) }
Token { token: "int", line: 21, position: 4, token_type: Keywords(Int) }
Token { token: "c", line: 21, position: 6, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "=", line: 21, position: 7, token_type: SpecialCharacters(Assignment) }
Token { token: "a", line: 21, position: 10, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: "/", line: 21, position: 12, token_type: SpecialCharacters(Divide) }
Token { token: "b", line: 21, position: 14, token_type: Unknown }
Token { token: ";", line: 21, position: 14, token_type: SpecialCharacters(Semicolon) }