
This repository contains the code for the CS7180 course project: Action Segmentation for Instructional Videos with Semi-Weak Supervision.

The data is available on raptor on /mnt/raptor/yuhan/Breakfast_per_task. It can be accessed via Cygnus server.

The environment can be installed via anaconda:

conda create --name <env> --file requirements.txt

To train the model, please run the following command:

python joint_train.py 

The default setting is training model on 50% weakly labeled videos with temporal consistency regularization, which does not use unlabeled videos.

To incorporate unlabeled videos for training, please run:

python joint_train.py  --dwsa_type mean 


python joint_train.py  --dwsa_type min

For inference, please run:

python inference.py


python inference.py --dwsa_type (mean/min)

For evaluation, please run:

python eval.py --recog_dir results_split1

You may change the recog_dir if you save the results in a different folder.