Airline Data Analytics ✈️


How to Run

  • For the MapReduce programs:

    1. First, compile the Java classes:

      javac -classpath `hadoop classpath` *.java
    2. Second, create the JAR file:

      jar cvf <jobName>.jar *.class
    3. Third, put the input data file into HDFS:

      hadoop fs -mkdir playGround
      hadoop fs -put <airlineData>.csv playGround
    4. Forth, run the MapReduce program:

      hadoop jar <jobName>.jar <jobName> <airlineData>.csv playGround/output
    5. To verify that the program has run and the results are correct:

      hadoop fs -ls playGround/output
      hadoop fs -cat playGround/output/part-r-00000
  • For the Trino commands:

    1. Start the Trino or Presto shell
    2. Select a connector that can access the data
    3. Run those queries