
Python Lambda SAM + SAM Local Project

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Python Lambda Template: A sample repository that develops Lambda Function


cd python-lambda-template
python - m venv.
source bin / activate.fish
pip install -r requirements.txt

Intellij Settings

  1. Project Structures> Python> Create your SDK with your Python
  2. Add SDK classpath: /path/to/python/lib/python3.6
  3. Project Structures> Modules> Attatch src and test directory as Sources and Tests
  4. install requirements.txt on Intellij

Unit Test

Using pytest.

make test-unit


Using AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM).

Your task:

  1. Edit Makevars for your environment.
  2. Create AWS SAM template in templates/ directory.
  3. Create Lambda handler in src/functions/handlers/ directory.

The name of the following ${resource_name} has to be matched:

  • templates/template_${resource_name}.yaml
  • src/functions/handlers/${resource_name}/example_handler.py
  • Make task: make deploy-${resource_name}

Before deploy, you should set your AccessKey and Secret for your AWS account. Deploy example:

make deploy-heroes env=test account_id=9999999999999 

CI / CD on AWS CodeBuild

Create S3 bucket for deoloy.

aws s3 mb s3://hero-lambda-deploy --profile your-profile

Create CodeBuild project and build.

  • Your CloudFormation stack will be created.
  • Your Lambda Function will be deployed.