
The documentation for the up-to-date VRC-Contact audio system.


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The documentation for the up-to-date Contact audio system. This system utilizes a pool of audio sources, making sure that it never plays too many audio clips at once. Utilizing this system is two included mechanics: Physics collision sounds, and Footstep sounds. Both of these systems require the dynamic use of lots of audio sources, and are not only great demos for this system, but are commonly requested systems for VRChat worlds.

Base Tools

Contact Audio Player

Contact Audio Player

This is the main Audio Pool that is used by all Contact components. One of these must exist in the scene for them to function.

Variables Description Default
Audio Prefab The prefab used for spawning audio sources when called. Reference
Source Count The maximum amount of audio sources that will be spawned and pooled. 64

Contact Collision Object

Contact Collision Object

This script is used to give a non-kinematic rigidbody collision sounds. It allows for three tiers of presets: Light, Medium, and Heavy collision type presets.

NOTE: If the rigidbody is synced using VRChat's ObjectSync component, then for remote players, it will be treated as "Kinematic" and will not play any collision sounds for players who are not the owner of that object.

Variables Description Default
Presets Light, Medium, and Heavy Presets Reference
Max Distance The maximum distance at which this collision sound can be heard. 32

Contact Footsteps

Contact Footsteps

This is the all-in-one footsteps system, using an array of Presets to declare which sounds go with which object materials.

Variables Description Default
Ground Layers Which layers the system should be looking for collisions, then looking for either materials or a Contact Footstep Override Default Only
Min Landing Velocity The vertical velocity the player must be falling at in order to play the "Landing" sound effect of a preset. 1
Footstep Rate Curve determining how much time in seconds (y) should pass between footsteps when the player is going a specific velocity (x). (0, 0.75), (6, 0.4)
Volume Curve Curve determining how loud a footstep sound should be played (y) based on how fast the player's velocity is (x). (0, 0.5), (1, 1)
Use Fallback Preset If enabled, the footstep system will use the first Footstep Preset in the Presets array when no preset can be determined otherwise. If disabled, footsteps will continue to use the most recently selected Preset. True
Presets The array of Footstep Presets used to play audio clips based on materials the player is walking over. Reference

Contact Footstep Override

Contact Footstep Override

This acts as an override to the material lookup used by the Footsteps system. If this is found instead, it will use the provided preset.

Variables Description Default
Preset The Footstep Preset used as a reference. Reference


Physics Preset

Contact Physics Preset

These presets are used for Contact Collision Objects. These store data that the objects reference and store at build time, letting it be used in VRChat.

Variables Description Default
Volume Range Min and Max values for the randomly selected volume of the played Clips. 0.8, 1
Pitch Range Min and Max values for the randomly selected pitch of the played Clips. 0.9, 1.1
Minimum Velocity The velocity the object must be travelling at before these Clips will be used. 0
Clips The audio clips associated with this Preset. Reference

Surface Preset

Contact Surface Preset

This is the base form of the Footstep Presets. This is largely included as a way to expand on your own systems with your own presets, such as the included Gun demo.

Variables Description Default
Materials Which materials to associate with this preset. Reference
Clips Which audio clips to be used with this preset. Reference

Footstep Preset

Contact Footstep Preset

These are the presets used by the Contact Footstep system, and includes all variables in Surface Preset, as well as those listed here.

Variables Description Default
Jump Clips Audio clips used when the player jumps off of this surface. Reference
Landing Clips Audio clips used when the player lands onto this surface. Reference

Demo Tools

Contact Gunshots

Contact Gunshots

This demo plays an audio clip at the position shot via the player using a VRCPickup. This clip changes depending on the material hit. Since no gunshot audio clips are included, the demo just uses the footstep sounds.

Variables Description Default
Presets The Surface or Footstep presets used for the gunshot presets. Reference
Fire Point The transform at which the pickup fires it's raycast from. Reference
Hit Layers The layers that the gun is able to hit. Default, Pickup, Walkthrough

ContactDemo Play Sound At Point

ContactDemo Play Sound At Point

This script is used for button objects, acting as the main demo for understanding how to interface with the Contact Manager.

Variables Description Default
Clip The audio clip intended to be played. Reference
Point The transform reference for where the clip will be played. If none is provided, the clip will be played at the root of the object this script is on. Reference
Volume A value from 0 to 1 for how loud the sound will be. 1
Parent Clip Whether or not to parent the spawned audio source to the Point reference. False
Cut Off Previous Whether or not to interrupt an already playing sound to allow this sound to play. False
Max Distance The distance at which this clip will reach from the Point. 32

ContactDemo Reset Objects

ContactDemo Reset Objects

A simple respawner for non-synced objects, letting the player observe the interactions of the Contact Collision Objects repeatedly.

Variables Description Default
Props All rigidbodies intended to be reset by this button. Reference