- Unity Version: 2018.4.20f1
- Important Assets: VRCSDK3, UdonSharp (U#)
- Purpose: For a large VRChat Japanese/English learning Community
- Duration of Project: 1 week (so far), many more weeks planned
- Project Description: Creating a world for my VRChat discord server about learning Japanese/English.
The main take from this project is using a large database (on a single script since Udon right now is limited)
and using it to create flashcards, quizzes and other study material.
On top of study material I do plan to add other elements to the project such as a functioning town; functioning local-zone clock town that tells time,
small versions of themed areas with a UI on the play to toggle JP/EN translations, (maybe) some npcs. All in all I still have to keep watch of optimization
since networking can be harsh and ownership on pick up can make things break.