Yukkuricraft's Info Page

Can be found at yukkuricraft.net

This is a github hosted page parked on our subdomain.


  • Do not remove the dist/CNAME file. This is necessary to set the Github pages CNAME so we can serve it over info.yc. The rest of the files are built into dist/ via Github Action workflows using src/
  • Workflow is defined in .github/workflows/main.yml
  • Workflow deploys to branch gh-pages if commit is pushed to master.
  • Workflow deploys to branch gh-pages-dev if commit is pushed to dev.

How to add an announcement

  1. Create a markdown (.md) file with a fitting filename in content/announcements/year/month. For example, an announcement made in February, 2021 should be placed in content/announcements/2021/02.

    What is markdown? Markdown is mostly the same formatting options we use on Discord. What we use on Discord is however pretty limited. For the markdown you can use in the announcements, you have a lot more options. If you want to learn markdown, check out this site.

  2. Write your announcement using normal markdown.

  3. Add the frontmatter.

    That's the stuff at the top of the file starting and ending with --- on it's own line. Everything between those two lines is YAML. There are 3 required fields.

    • title: The title of your post. Do not include a heading in the announcement itself.
    • time: When the post was created. This is an ISO-8601 date. Get the current ISO date here.
    • poster: This is your name.

    You should also add these fields, but they are not required.

    • excerpt: A summary/excerpt of the post that users see before they click on the post itself.
    • slug: If you want a different slug (URL part that identifies the announcement) than the filename for your announcement, specify your desired slug as another field. It should ideally not contain space or other "special" characters.
    • NOT YET IMPLEMENTED comments: If you want to allow comments on the announcements, mark this as true. A post will automatically be created on the forums with the content of this post. A comment field will appear under the post.

    Here is an example of a valid frontmatter:

    title: 'PSA: Addressing a Change in Standards'
    time: '2020-07-17T19:03:00Z'
    poster: Teshno
      Our recent internal workings amongst Staff have raised our standards, both
      for ourselves and for the community.
  4. Check that the name you wrote in the poster field of the frontmatter is also in content/announcements/posters.yaml and that the avatar is correct. The avatar can be found in content/images/avatars. If it's not present/correct, add/correct it.

  5. Congrats on posting your announcement.