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Everything you need to know about our open source projects and more

🐺 Canine Rocket Technologies Wiki


Welcome to the Canine Rocket Technologies Wiki, our resource hub for all our projects and reference for both our team members and the community to access and view. To learn more about Canine Rocket Technologies, click here.

Most of the community has found us through Twitter, YouTube, or The wiki is more focused on managing and documenting our projects and resources in more detail in a more centralized hub to make it easier for users to find the information they need, simplify collaborative projects, and archive our progress. Learn more about how we organize and manage Canine Rocket Technologies here.

The wiki will include all our public data such as internal databases, design files, public resources, and other projects-related content, along with various online resources we found helpful when we were starting out. The internet has millions of free resources to learn basic hardware development, however, just finding the right resources is a lengthy and arduous process in itself. We hope we save you some time with all these resources we painstakingly hand-picked over the years. Head over to the Wiki Index and head over to the categories of your interest.

{% hint style="success" %} Click "Wiki Index" below to get started! {% endhint %}

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Freedom Isn't Free.

1 Peter 3:14

Special thanks to everyone who's contributed to the wiki! Please head over to Wiki Contributors & Info.