EB RecSys Challenge


Baseline comparison

Method AUC ↑ MRR ↑ nDCG@5 ↑ nDCG@10 ↑
Random (small) 0.4998 0.3156 0.3489 0.4338
NRMS (small) 0.5299 0.3243 0.3625 0.4420
GERL (small) 0.5820 0.3587 0.4032 0.4775

Neighbour sampling comparison

Method AUC ↑ MRR ↑ nDCG@5 ↑ nDCG@10 ↑
GERL (demo) 0.5344 0.3231 0.3610 0.4436
GERL (demo) + weighted sampling 0.5258 0.3172 0.3544 0.4377


Create a virtual environment and install the needed dependencies:

python -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.lock

Or alternatively, use Rye:

rye sync
. .venv/bin/activate

From the root of the repository, run the preprocessing script:

python -m src.recsys_challenge.dataset.preprocess.auto

To train the model, run:

python -m src.recsys_challenge.training

The default options for training are set to the params we used for training. Options for the training script can be printed using:

python -m src.recsys_challenge.training --help