
Final app - Elements

Primary LanguageJava


Final app for Android Study Jam 2016.

Application name: Elements.

Requirements: Android versions 4.4 and higher.

Created at: March 2016 during Android Study Jam.

Last updated: April 8, 2016.

Author: Yulia Ovchinnikova.

Contact: jovchinnikova@gmail.com.

Copyright and license: GNU free license.

Description: The app idea is to teach users about classical element approach:

Water, Air, Fire, Earth, and in some religions Aether or Sky.

Target audience: anyone who is interested to know more about:

words, images, sensations, or characters associated with main basic elements.

Users can click on the element buttons and see the screens (scroll views)

associated with selected element.

“SHARE” button lets user send email to his friend.

Credits and acknowledgements: thank you, Hudson Valley GDG mentors:

Nitya Naramsihan, Hendriz Tavarez and John Shea, for their initiative and time.

Install as you would normally install an Android application