
Do i find a bug in the code?

spx1997 opened this issue · 2 comments

firstly, thank you for your fantastic project, and i learning a lot from you task.
I read your code seriously, and i thank there have a bug in your code.
I think ret = fd.write("%d %d %d %d %f \n"%(kp1[m_n[0].queryIdx].pt[0], kp1[m_n[0].queryIdx].pt[**_0_**], kp2[m_n[0].trainIdx].pt[0], kp2[m_n[0].trainIdx].pt[1], m_n[0].distance)) in matching.py should be corrected toret = fd.write("%d %d %d %d %f \n"%(kp1[m_n[0].queryIdx].pt[0], kp1[m_n[0].queryIdx].pt[**_1_**], kp2[m_n[0].trainIdx].pt[0], kp2[m_n[0].trainIdx].pt[1], m_n[0].distance)).
"Yuan Fang", how do you see?

Thanks so much, you are right, can you pull a new request to correct this bug?

bug has been repaired