
How to evaluate posetrack dataset with `tracker.py`?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

@YuliangXiu I want to evaluate pose track performance on posetrack-val2018 dataset and I've read your reply in this issue, where you just mentioned:

you can obtain the pose_coordinates from trainset and validset of PoseTrack dataset(json or mat files in posetrack_data/annotations). Otherwise, you need to generate pose_coordinates via Multi-Person Pose Estimation Framework, such as AlphaPose.

If I was right, then evaluating on posetrack dataset no need to do pose estimation beforehead?
Then I found this line in 'tracker.py'. Seems that it is a result json file generated by AlphaPose.

So here is my question:

  1. tracker.py is a general solution for unlabeled data? and
  2. If I want to evaluate the origin posetrack dataset, I need to modify tracker.py?
  1. yes, it's a general solution for any multi-person image
  2. no, but if you want to test on some new dataset, you need to modify it

@YuliangXiu OK, I understand. So if I want to evaluate posetrack-2018 dataset, which value should I assign in this line in tracker.py?

this file was generated from AlphaPose, you need to do pose estimation on dataset and then do pose tracking on the estimated results. You need to read the README.md carefully.

PoseFlow(General Version) has already been released, now you can do pose tracking on any private dataset, the new version also supports pose tracking results visualization.