
Search for typos in code or text, automatically fix some typos. 查找文本或代码中的拼写错误/打字错误,自动修改部分 typos。【The typos lib is extensible and customizable, and supports regular expressions. typos 库可扩展和定制,支持正则表达式】

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Search for Typos

Search for typos in code or text, automatically fix some typos. 查找文本或代码中的拼写错误/打字错误,自动修改部分 typos。

1. Features

Currently, typos lookup for non-binary files (text files such as .txt and .md, code script files such as .py and .c) are supported. The typos lib is extensible and customizable, and supports regular expressions.

1.1. repeated English words

Eg: do, see repeated_English_words.txt for more examples.

1.2. repeated Chinese characters

Eg: , see repeated_Chinese_characters.txt for more examples.

1.3. typos of English words/strings

Eg: modle, see typos_English_words_strings.txt for more examples.

1.4. wrong Chinese phrases

Eg: 既使, see wrong_Chinese_phrases.txt for more examples.

1.5. wrong English phrases

Eg: reasoning framework, see wrong_English_phrases.txt for more examples.

1.6. Automatically fix some typos

Eg: acheive --> achieve, see auto_fix.txt for more examples.

Disclaimer: Use the auto_fix.sh script only when you are very sure that the typo(s) and target paths you want to modify are accurate and correct. Because batch automatic modification brings convenience, it may also bring wrong modification.

2. Using

Search all text under the specified directory and its subdirectories for typos.

# Search typos in all files under the ./ folder and its subfolders.
bash ./search_typos.sh ./

# Search typos in all files under the ./ folder and its subfolders exclude typos_lib folder.
bash ./search_typos_exclude_dir.sh ./ typos_lib/

# Search typos in all files under the ./ folder and its subfolders exclude README.md file.
bash ./search_typos_exclude.sh ./ README.md

# Search typos in all files under the ./ folder and its subfolders exclude typos_lib folder and README.md file.
bash ./search_typos_exclude_dir_exclude.sh ./ typos_lib/ README.md

# Automatically fix some typos in all files under the ./ folder and its subfolders.
# Disclaimer: Use the auto_fix.sh script only when you are very sure that the typo(s) and target paths you want to modify are accurate and correct. Because batch automatic modification brings convenience, it may also bring wrong modification.
bash ./auto_fix.sh ./

3. Search Results

Some examples of search results are as follows:

typos_show1 typos_show2 typos_show3


  • Automatically fix some typos that know the correct spelling.


Feel free to create issues or PRs if you have any questions or suggestions.