
hello! I'm weeb. wanna make a guilded bot? (in node.js) please follow the steps below!

1: make a new node.js project, and install guilded.js

npm install guilded.js

2: open your terminal or (shell for replit) and clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/weebwashere/weebs-bot-template.git

3: open the command/info folder and make a command file named hello.js and paste this code inside:

module.exports = {
  name: "hello",
  description: "says hello to a user.",
  run: async (client, message, args) => {
    await message.reply("hello!")

4: go to settings.json and paste your guilded bot token

then all u gotta do is run ur file by doing node index.js or node . and your good to go!