
Delivery React Coding Challenge

1. Goal

Your goal is to build a react app that displays a list of books. We will provide guidelines and feature requests below, but ultimately the design and functionality of your app is up to you. Keep in mind functionality and code quality is more important than asthetic design. The code you write should be maintanable and easy to understand.

2. Instructions

Please read through the rest of the requirements and additional info before working on your app.

You can use third party libraries, but the more code you write yourself, the better.

You have 1 day to submit your code, however we want to be respectful of your time and do not expect you to work for more than 2 hours on this challenge.

When you are finished please submit a pull request.

3. Basic Requirements

  • Create a single page react application using responsive design (the application should render properly on a desktop and mobile device).
  • The application should use the following API to retrieve a set of artwork
  • The artworks should be listed 10/page with pagination
  • Each item title and thumbnail should be clickable to bring up the artwork detail page
  • Display details about the item on a separate page and have a back button to return to the list page and display the page the user was on
  • List the following items on the detail page: title,artist_display,date_display,main_reference_number, thubnail, dimensions
  • Implement the ability to search the artwork by title and the ability to filter the results by category
  • Document your design decisions
  • You can create components from scratch or you can use a component library but the more code you write yourself, the better
  • Create a comments form to demonstrate data validation, the form does not need to make an API call to persist the data.
  • using TypeScript is a bonus but not required

Evaluation Criteria

  • Understanding of core Javascript concepts
  • Optimized and performant code
  • Understanding of the React library
  • Code and component reuse/extensibility
  • Code design
  • Ability to write clear documentation