This repository contains all the material used for the paper "La réécriture monolingue ou bilingue facilite-t-elle la compréhension ?", published in the 27th Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2020).
Abstract: Reading comprehension skills are important to develop for foreign language learners. This article presents an experiment to verify whether paraphrases provided in context make comprehension easier for learners. The paraphrases were automatically extracted from a bilingual parallel corpus. After analysing the results, we propose directions to enrich a previously designed tool, in order to automate the selection of rewritings in the future, while better characterizing different types of rewritings.
You will find:
The three versions of the two texts of A2 and B2 level, in HTML format.
The pdf shows the experiment interface in Moodle, the questions for reading comprehension, the paraphrases and translations that we provided and the questionnaire to be filled after the test.
Anonymized answers to questions and the questionnaire: the order of participants is the same between the result graphs in the paper, and these Excel files
This work is done during my PhD. More detailed information about this experiment could be found in my thesis "Reconnaissance des procédés de traduction sous-phrastiques : des ressources aux validations", which is available here: