
Server for RE:Fridge

Primary LanguageDart


RE:Fridge is a mobile application that helps users manage their pantry effciently. It allows users to keep track of the ingredients they have and suggests recipes based on the ingredients they have. This repository contains the server-side code for the RE:Fridge application.

🚀 Getting Started

1. Install Flutter

2. Clone the repository

git clone

3. Install dependencies

flutter pub get

4. Run the app

flutter run

📦 Dependencies

📖 Contribution Guide

Thank you for contributing to the RE:Fridge! Please follow this contribution guide to help advance the project together.

Before Contributing

  • Check the open issues in the issue tracker to see if there are existing tasks or discussions.
  • Consider what modifications or additions are needed, and start a discussion by creating an issue.

How to Contribute

1. Fork this repository

2. Clone it to your local environment

git clone https://github.com/YunDo-Gi/RE-Fridge.git

3. Create a development branch

git checkout -b <branch-name>

4. Make changes and commit

git add .
git commit -m "<commit-message>"

5. Push changes

git push origin <branch-name>

6. Create a pull request

7. Wait for the pull request to be reviewed and merged

Reporting Issues

Bugs, improvement ideas, and new feature suggestions are all welcome.

Click the New Issue button in the issue tracker to create a new issue. Provide detailed information about the issue and the environment in which it occurs.

Project Structure

└─📦 bin
   ├─ 📂 api
   │  ├─ 📄 cart_api.dart
   │  ├─ 📄 ingredient_api.dart
   │  ├─ 📄 init_api.dart
   │  ├─ 📄 pantry_api.dart
   │  └─ 📄 recipe_api.dart
   ├─ 📂 controllers
   │  ├─ 📄 cart_controller.dart
   │  ├─ 📄 ingredient_controller.dart
   │  ├─ 📄 pantry_controller.dart
   │  └─ 📄 recipe_controller.dart
   ├─ 📂 db
   │  └─ 📄 setup_db.dart
   ├─ 📄 server.dart
   └─ 📂 utils