
Gradle wrapper which takes care of the gradle java version

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Gradle wrapper which takes care of the required java version (wraps gradlew, gradlew.bat, gradle command)


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I always get the stupid error Unsupported class file major version XX even when I define sourceCompatibility or targetCompatibility or JavaLanguageVersion.of in my build.gradle* file! That's cause gradle does not take care of the java version. This script will change that now

Install to a repository

  • Download the and add gw sh script to your repository (next to your gradlew)

Install as global command / alias

  • Download the gw sh script to your home folder (~)
  • Add this line alias gw=~/gw to your bash profile or .zshrc, ...


cd my_repo
ls -1
> gw
> build.gradle
> gradlew
> gradle.bat

cat build.gradle | grep sourceCompatibility
> sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

> /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/graalvm-ce-java17-22.1.0/Contents/Home

gw --version
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Gradle 6.8.3
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> JVM:          1.8.0_312 (Azul Systems, Inc. 25.312-b07)


  • Auto update: the gw sh script will update itself as long as env is not GW_UPDATE="false"
  • Auto Detect command gradlew, gradlew.bat or fallback to gradle command
  • Auto Detect Java from sourceCompatibility or targetCompatibility in build.gradle*
  • Debug mode with one of the gradle parameters: -d -w -s -S

Current limitations

  • The script is NOT tested on windows or cygwin
  • sourceCompatibility or targetCompatibility is needed in build.gradle* but the script cant resolve variables
    • workaround: call the version variable like the java version e.g. sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
  • It's not installing any java versions for you
    • Use your IDE to download the right java version