
Show synced lyric in the touch-bar with BetterTouchTool and NetEase APIs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Synced Lyric on TouchBar

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Show synced lyric in the touch-bar with BetterTouchTool and NetEase/QQ Music APIs. Based on the idea of Kashi.


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  • Synced lyrics;
  • Support Spotify (Recommend) & Music(Only your playlists);
  • Support for English/Spanish/Chinese(Simplified/Traditional)/Japanese and more;
  • Support background color, font color, and font size configuration. And rainbow mode!


1. Denpendencies

First check your macOS python (the programming language this plugin is written in) version, which should be 3.7+. All commands should be executed in your terminal.

python3 --version


pip is a package management tool for python.

curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
python3 get-pip.py

You might want to restart your terminal. Then we can install this plugin by

pip3 install touchbar_lyric --upgrade

Python Path

Take a note for the python3 path. We will refer it as ${PYTHONPATH}

which python3

2. Configuration in BetterTouchTool

Same as Kashi:

  1. Copy&paste the content in lyric.json in Meun Bar > Touch Bar;
  2. Change the python path /Users/chenghaomou/Anaconda/bin/python to your own python path ${PYTHONPATH} in the script area;
  3. Change any parameters as you like: fc(font color in RGB), bg(background color in RGB), and fs(font size)
${PYTHONPATH} -m touchbar_lyric --app Music

or use Spotify(default)

${PYTHONPATH} -m touchbar_lyric --app Spotify

Show Traditional Chinese lyrics

${PYTHONPATH} -m touchbar_lyric --app Spotify --traditional

You can also add --rainbow flag at the end of the command to have a nice rainbow specturm as the background.

Becareful with typing double slash in BTT. It automatically change it to long slash. Use copy & paste instead!



  • 脚本运行需要 BTT + Python3.7+。
  • 仅支持系统自带的 Music 和 Spotify,推荐使用 Spotify。

Python 设置

  • 检查 macOS 系统自带的 Python3 ,在系统自带的 Terminal 应用中输入以下命令
which python3


  • 安装 pip
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
python3 get-pip.py
  • 安装 touchbar-lyric
pip3 install touchbar_lyric --upgrade


  • 复制 lyric.json 里面的内容,在BTT的Touch Bar 配置界面直接粘贴
  • 在右侧脚本区域, 把 /Users/chenghaomou/Anaconda/bin/python 换成第一步中的路径
  • 可以在命令最后添加 --rainbow 使用彩虹渐变背景
  • 可以在命令最后添加 --traditional 显示繁体歌词信息
  • 在 Spotify/Music 运行时,应该出现歌词挂件
  • 可以更改参数 fc(RGB 字体颜色), bg(RGB 背景颜色), 和 fs(字体大小)