
Primary LanguagePython


First clone the repo :

git clone https://github.com/YungBricoCoop/SPDV

And then install the dependencies

 cd ./SPDV
 pip install -r requirements.txt


Before running the script you just need to put your personal spotify history files inside the streamingHistory folder of the project, the name of thoses files starts with StreamingHistory and ends with a number like this : StreamingHistory4

To to get the desired result you just have to use this two commands in this order :

python main.py -db
python main.py -render

The result file (named output.html) will be generate in the output folder(named output) of the project if everything went well


Get some help with the commands -help
Load spotify history data inside database -db
Generate a pretty html file for visualizing your data -render


The exported file should look like this (output.html) : text