
Vagrant global-status controller for peco

Primary LanguageShell


Vagrant global-status / box controller for peco.


Getting started


$ cd /path/to/bin # in $PATH
$ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gongo/pecrant/master/pecrant
$ chmod +x ./pecrant


For vagrant global-status

$ pecrant help
Usage: pecrant <command>

  up        Start the selected vagrant machine
  provision Provision the selected vagrant machine
  reload    Restart the selected vagrant machine
  suspend   Suspend the selected vagrant machine
  resume    Resume the selected vagrant machine
  halt      Stop the selected vagrant machine
  destroy   Stop and delete all traces of the vagrant machine
  ssh       Connect to machine via SSH
  dir       Show directory path for vagrant environments
  list      Show vagrant environments for this user
  box       Manage vagrant boxes: update, remove
  help      Show this message

$ pecrant up:

$ pecrant halt:

For vagrant box

$ pecrant box help
Usage: pecrant box <command>

  update  Update the selected vagrant box
  remove  Remove the selected vagrant box
  list    List vagrant boxes for this user
  help    Show this message


Support Select Multiple Lines:

Alternative of pecrant cd

$ cd "$(pecrant dir)"


MIT License.