There are two python files. use MNIST dataset and the other use tree images I collected.
Run the bash file and change hyperparameters.
If you don't need to change the hyperparameters, you can run the python file directly.
I used two datasets including MNIST and tree canopy images. Run the, you will use MNIST dataset. For the tree canopy images, it's my research dataset and not sharable at this moment.
All the reuslts are saved with tensorboard format. The file will have output in Tensorboard.
%load_ext tensorboard
%tensorboard --logdir run_reuslts_folder
How: use the output folder , then load tensorboard to see images generated by generator and loss curves.
Please make sure you install tensorboard in your running environment. If not, you can directly use Colab to run tensorboard.
You can play with the tensorboard to see the output images at different epoches.