
COS333 Project Spring 2017

Primary LanguageHTML



TigerRant is a platform for students to anonymously rant and talk about Princeton courses.

Each course has its own page with “urban dictionary”-style course descriptions that describe what a course is really like (e.g. “learn how to learn new programming languages and tools” for COS 333), course reviews unfiltered by the Registrar, and a YikYak-style rant space for leaving “real-talk” comments. You’ll be able to see how thoughts on a course change over time and see why people drop a course! Even talk and give advice on a course before it’s started or talk about how valuable a course was for you long after you’ve taken it!

We hope to supplement course offerings and improve the course shopping experience at Princeton!

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Getting Started

$ git clone https://github.com/Yunski/project-tigershop.git
$ cd project-tigershop

To set up a virtual environment, run the commands:

$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate

Install requirements with pip:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


This project uses Flask-CAS for authentication.

A manual install is required as the pip version has a bug with Princeton's CAS system. In the project-tigershop directory, run the commands:

$ git clone https://github.com/cameronbwhite/Flask-CAS.git
$ cd Flask-CAS
$ python setup.py install


To set up database, install MySQL and edit config.py with your database name, user, and password. Then run the scripts:

$ python shopper/model_cloudsql.py
$ python db_populate.py

This project uses Alembic migrations.

To create migration folder:

$ python manage.py db init

To generate an initial migration:

$ python manage.py db migrate

To apply the migration:

$ python manage.py db upgrade


To run server, run the main script:

$ python main.py


To test the search function, run the testing script:

$ python testing.py