

Primary LanguageJavaScript




  • 20170730: Add CORS support

    Please refer to this page for more details

  • 20170730: Create heroku application

    1. Create heroku app with heroku-cli
    E:\nodejs\knex_crud_api>heroku create knex-crud-api
    Creating knex-crud-api... done
    https://knex-crud-api.herokuapp.com/ | https://git.heroku.com/knex-crud-api.git
    1. heroku addons create: postgresql
    E:\nodejs\knex_crud_api>heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql
    Creating heroku-postgresql on knex-crud-api... free`
    Database has been created and is available`
     ! This database is empty. If upgrading, you can transfer`
     ! data from another database with pg:copy`
    Created postgresql-round-39560 as DATABASE_URL`
    Use heroku addons:docs heroku-postgresql to view documentation
    1. connect to DB
    E:\nodejs\knex_crud_api>heroku pg:psql
    --> Connecting to postgresql-round-39560
    psql (9.6.2, 服务器 9.6.1)
    SSL 连接(协议:TLSv1.2,密码:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384,密钥位:256,压缩:关闭)
    输入 "help" 来获取帮助信息.
    knex-crud-api::DATABASE=> \dt
    knex-crud-api::DATABASE=> \q
    1. open heroku application
    > heroku open
    1. open heroku logs and keep watching
    >heroku logs -t
    1. execute db migration
    >heroku run knex migrate:latest
    1. check db connection again
      E:\nodejs\knex_crud_api>heroku pg:psql
    --> Connecting to postgresql-round-39560
    psql (9.6.2, 服务器 9.6.1)
    SSL 连接(协议:TLSv1.2,密码:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384,密钥位:256,压缩:关闭)
    输入 "help" 来获取帮助信息.
    knex-crud-api::DATABASE-> \dt
     架构模式 |         名称         |  类型  |     拥有者
     public   | knex_migrations      | 数据表 | jjshdfpxgxslno
     public   | knex_migrations_lock | 数据表 | jjshdfpxgxslno
     public   | sticker              | 数据表 | jjshdfpxgxslno
    (3 行记录)
    1. seed
    >heroku run knex seed:run
  • Execute migration

    > knex migrate:latest