a monitoring cluster that scale inscances up and down based on message queue latency
the main goal of micro-services is scalability, rolling updates and no-downtimes. this software has for main goal to painlessly update/scale and monitor a cluster of micro-services.
Stable branch
Development status
how it work :
- it monitore the latency of rpc calls for all micro-services
- if a queue is too low, it scale up the service that consume this queue
- if a service has a new version, it upgrade the monitored service if possible.
what it does not do:
- create/run/delete instance itself, it delegate it to the stack that do it well (docker). instead it ask for more or less instances.
- guess what to do for a given service itself. all service must give a config concerning his constraints
this library is in heavy developement. it's not expected to work without hard work and debugging.
current delevoppement status:
- auto deploy 80%
- auto update on push: ok
- parse version and upgrade only: ok
- dependency requirement: ok
- helped deployments: no
- monitoring/autoscaling 100%
- rules parsing: ok
- services custom rules: ok
- rabbitmq monitoring: ok
- scale up/down from rule result: ok
- management 05%
- rpc call for crud: ok
- cli for crud: never
- webui for crud: no
- live status in webui: no
with a docker swarm setup, you can do this:
# docker login to access private repository
cat ~/.docker/config.json | docker secret create maiev_docker_cred.json -
docker service create \
--name maiev \
--mount type=bind,src=//var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock \
-e RABBITMQ_HOST=rabbitmq.myservices.com \
-e RABBITMQ_VHOST=/maiev \
-e RABBITMQ_USER=maiev \
-e MONGO_URIS=mongodb://maive:$MAIEVPASSWD@mongodb.myservices.com/overseer \
--secret source=maiev_docker_cred.json,target=/home/service/.docker/config.json \
--publish 80:8000 \
--constraint 'node.role == manager' \
this will start maiev. it will query all existings services to start monitoring each one which has the command «scaler_info».
maiev-shell is a docker image which has all usefull stuff to start a shell to interact with nameko service (maiev).
you just must provide the rabbitmq url (ie: amqp://guest:guest@myrabbitmq/
it provide:
- a nameko shell with ipython, connected to the given cluster (most probably maiev)
- completion of nameko running services: type n.rpc.<TAB> to see them
- completion of service methode, along with arguments, if the service inherit from BaseWorkerService implemented in services/maiev-base/app/common/base.py
docker run -it --rm yupeek/maiev:shell $RABBITMQ_URL
to keep track of your history:
mkdir -p $HOME/.ipython/profile_default/ && touch $HOME/.ipython/profile_default/history.sqlite docker run -it --rm -v $HOME/.ipython/profile_default/history.sqlite:/root/.ipython/profile_default/history.sqlite yupeek/maiev:shell $RABBITMQ_URL
if you don't want to input your rabbitmq, it can be guessed by env variables on a running maiev docker container. the following snipet create a function which just take the name of the docker container, and will run a shell on his rabbitmq (require jq and docker binary):
# alias function. take as argument either : a docker service name, a container name, or the url to rabbitmq maiev-shell () { arg1=$1 which jq &> /dev/null || (echo "you must install jq to run this function" && return 1) which docker &> /dev/null || (echo "you must install docker to run this function" && return 1) mkdir -p $HOME/.ipython/profile_default/ && touch $HOME/.ipython/profile_default/history.sqlite jqexpr=' map(split("=") | {key: .[0], value: .[1]}) | from_entries | "amqp://" + .RABBITMQ_USER + ":" + .RABBITMQ_PASSWORD + "@" + .RABBITMQ_HOST + .RABBITMQ_VHOST' if rawdata=$(docker service inspect $arg1 2> /dev/null); then jqpath=".[].Spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Env | $jqexpr" else if rawdata=$(docker inspect $arg1 2> /dev/null); then jqpath=".[].Config.Env | $jqexpr" else rawdata="\"$arg1\"" jqpath='.' fi fi url=$(echo $rawdata | jq $jqpath -r) docker run -it --rm -v $HOME/.ipython/profile_default/history.sqlite:/root/.ipython/profile_default/history.sqlite yupeek/maiev:shell $url } # completion function if zsh which compdef &> /dev/null && _maiev-shell () { __docker_complete_containers_names $1; __docker_complete_services_names $1;} && compdef _maiev-shell maiev-shell