
Onyx plugin for Datomic

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Onyx plugin providing read and write facilities for batch processing a Datomic database.


In your project file:

[com.mdrogalis/onyx-datomic "0.5.3"]

In your peer boot-up namespace:

(:require [onyx.plugin.datomic])

Catalog entries

{:onyx/name :partition-datoms
 :onyx/ident :datomic/partition-datoms
 :onyx/type :input
 :onyx/medium :datomic
 :onyx/consumption :sequential
 :onyx/bootstrap? true
 :datomic/uri db-uri
 :datomic/t t
 :datomic/partition :com.my.example/partition
 :datomic/datoms-per-segment n
 :onyx/batch-size batch-size
 :onyx/doc "Creates ranges over an :eavt index to parellelize loading datoms"}
{:onyx/name :read-datoms
 :onyx/ident :datomic/read-datoms
 :onyx/fn :onyx.plugin.datomic/read-datoms
 :onyx/type :function
 :onyx/consumption :concurrent
 :datomic/uri db-uri
 :datomic/partition my.datomic.partition
 :datomic/t t
 :onyx/batch-size batch-size
 :onyx/doc "Reads and enqueues a range of the :eavt datom index"}

The first variant expects to be fed in a stream of new entity maps and will automatically assign tempid's for the partition given.

{:onyx/name :out
 :onyx/ident :datomic/commit-tx
 :onyx/type :output
 :onyx/medium :datomic
 :onyx/consumption :concurrent
 :datomic/uri db-uri
 :datomic/partition my.datomic.partition
 :onyx/batch-size batch-size
 :onyx/doc "Transacts segments to storage"}

The :onyx/medium :datomic-tx variant expects a tx, almost as if it was ready for (d/transact uri tx). This lets you perform retractions and arbitrary db functions. You will need to respond with a [{:tx (.array (fressian/write [...]))}] though. This is to prevent your tx data from getting munged in the transport between peers on Onyx.

{:onyx/name :out
 :onyx/ident :datomic/commit-tx
 :onyx/type :output
 :onyx/medium :datomic-tx
 :onyx/consumption :concurrent
 :datomic/uri db-uri
 :datomic/partition my.datomic.partition
 :onyx/batch-size batch-size
 :onyx/doc "Transacts segments to storage"}

A function of the following form should be used to transform your data to be ready for throwing at the datomic commit-tx:

(require '[clojure.data.fressian :as fressian])
(require '[datomic.api :as d])

(defn datomic-txfn [e]
  [{:tx (.array (fressian/write [[:db/add (d/tempid :db.part/user) :db/doc "Hello world"]]))}])


key type description
:datomic/uri string The URI of the datomic database to connect to
:datomic/t integer The t-value of the database to read from
:datomic/partition keyword The partition of the database to read out of
:datomic/datoms-per-segment integer The number of datoms to compress into a single segment


Pull requests into the master branch are welcomed.


Copyright © 2014 Michael Drogalis

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.