
Telegram bot to provide statistics from Anchor.fm

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Telegram bot for Anchor.fm written in Go using go-rod for statistics scraping from Anchor, and telegram-bot-api for Telegram.


  • Clone this repository
  • Build everything: go build
  • Follow Telegram instructions to create a new bot user and get your token. (https://core.telegram.org/bots#3-how-do-i-create-a-bot)
  • Update required fields in the "config/config.json" with your values:
    • "BotToken"
    • "AnchorUser"
    • "AnchorPass"
    • "TimeRangeStart" - start date for Anchor.fm to get your statistics (Unix Epoch)
    • "WebStationId" - you can find it in the https://anchor.fm/api/podcast/metadata response on Anchor page
    • "UserId"- you can find it in the https://anchor.fm/api/currentuser response on Anchor page
    • "TopEpisodesLimit" - Max number of episodes to retrieve for Top Episodes command
  • Run anchorfm-bot using command anchorfm-bot ./config/config.json

Supported commands

  • Podcast Totals - /stats
  • Plays By Date - /plays
  • Top Episodes - /topepisodes
  • Geographic locations - /geo
  • Listening platforms - /platforms
  • Gender - /gender
  • Age - /age
  • /help