C - Stacks, Queues - LIFO, FIFO

¿What is Monty language? Monty 0.98 is a scripting language that is first compiled into Monty byte codes (Just like Python). It relies on a unique stack, with specific instructions to manipulate it. The goal of this project is to create an interpreter for Monty ByteCodes files.

Compilation 💬

$ gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o monty

Functions 🧩

Functions Name. Description.
Push The opcode push pushes an element to the stack.
Pall The opcode pall prints all the values on the stack, starting from the top of the stack.
Pint The opcode** pint** prints the value at the top of the stack, followed by a new line.
Pop The opcode pop removes the top element of the stack.
Swap The opcode swap swaps the top two elements of the stack.
Add The opcode** add** adds the top two elements of the stack.
Nop The opcode nop doesn’t do anything.

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