
Unlimited private video calls with your friends and colleagues

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Brave Talk

Working with the code

The website is built using webpack 5.

To work with it locally:

$ npm install
$ npm start

Source code is all in src. Contents of public are deployed to target without further modification.

Currently the page uses a html template index.html styled using global class names in css/welcome.css. Logic is contained within index.ts.

By convention, the javsascript this interacts with elements in the html template by id and the css relies solely on class names.

To build for production:

$ npm ci
$ npm run build

which creates a ./html directory containing compiled assets.

Branching Strategy

  • prod => releases to talk.brave.com (production)
  • main => releases to staging
  • dev => releases to development
  1. production releases should only be made after we have been able to test exactly what we're going to release on stage. So these should always be a PR from main to prod that's basically "make production === stage". These are the only PRs that should go to prod.
  2. therefore a merge to main should only happen when we think the feature is ready to release.
  3. when starting a piece of work, create a branch off main and keep adding commits there until it's ready to release.
  4. to test the code in a real environment, either: a. merge that branch to dev - but don't delete the feature branch. Repeatedly merge the feature that feature branch to dev as work progresses. Merges to dev do not require PRs. OR b. manually initiate the "Deploy to Development" github action selecting that branch - this will deploy just those changes to development.
  5. In-development QA of this feature should happen on the development environment.
  6. when it's good to go merge the feature branch to main - with a PR and security review if required. Do not merge until all reviews are completed.
  7. then, after checking on the staging environment (including QA regression testing if needed) PR a production release as per step 1.
  8. now and again we will reset dev to match main just to keep the history tidy.


This codebase uses prettier to keep the code formatted nicely and avoid needless changes in diff. It's recommended that you configure your editor to reformat as you go. There's also a pre-commit hook configured that should reformat on commit, or you can run npm run format.