
Unpack the sourcemaps generated by Webpack to a project folder

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Webpack Sourcemap Unpacker

This is a very handy script to unpack the sourcemap generated by the webpack into a project structured folder.


# I am not going to pubilsh this tools via npm.
# So you can just clone this repo then:

# run yarn install to load the node_modules
$ yarn install

# and link it to your global library
$ yarn link


$ WebpackSourcemapUnpacker -h
Usage: webpack-sourcemap-unpacker [options]

Unpack the sourcemaps generated by Webpack to a project

  -v, --version               output the version number
  -p, --prefix [webpack:///]  filter the path with certain prefix
  -i, --input [glob-pattern]  a glob patterns to describe sourcemap files to be unpacked, default to *.map
  -o, --output [folder]       set the output folder, default to current folder
  -h, --help                  output usage information
