
Converts html to full char prompt-like interface

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Auto interpreter to convert HTML to fully character prompt-like interface.

Table of Contents

How To

To start this lib copy prompter folder and import prompter/main.js file as script or add a script import to https://yurishimoi.github.io/prompter/import/prompter/main.js, create a element and create elements like above Currently description, any other elements inside prompt will be ignored and hidden. You can check the online demo page where the new features will be in implementation test phase.

Prompt color scheme can be easily changed with type attribute:

  • default: background: black; color: white
  • white: background: white; color: black
  • retro: background: black; color: green
  • blueprint: background: blue; color: white

Also, if needed, in main.css you can manually change prompt base color or inside a style property, changing background and color will affect everything.

Adding the attribute debug on prompt enable manually edit entire screen text.

<prompt debug>
Basic example
Code Preview
<prompt type="retro">
  <div width=15 height=10 y=2 x=3></div>
  <div id="menu" title="Main Menu" text="Main text"
       width=15 height=10 x=2>
    <text text="Inventory" x=0 xalign="right" yalign="bottom"
  <div id="inventory" title="Inventory" xalign="center" yalign="center"
       disabled="true" width=15></div>
 ┌ Main Menu ────┐
 │Main text      ├┐
 │               ││
 │               ││
 │               ││┌ Inventory ────┐
 │               │││               │
 │               │││               │
 │               │││               │
 │               ││└───────────────┘
 │               ││
 │     Inventory ││
Complex positioned example
Code Preview
<prompt type="retro">
  <div type='none' xalign='center' yalign='center' width=53 height=17>
    <div title="1" xalign='center' y=-3 width=51></div>
    <div title="2" width=25 height=15>
      <div type="double" title="2.1" xalign='center'></div>
      <div type="double" title="2.2" xalign='center'
      <div type="double" title="2.3" xalign='center'
    <div title="3" xalign='right' width=25 height=15>
      <div type="none" title="3.1" xalign='center' yalign='center'
        <div type="double" title="3.1.1" x=0 y=0></div>
        <div type="double" title="3.1.2" x=0 y=2
    <div title="4" xalign='center' yalign='center'></div>
    <div title="5" xalign='center' yalign='bottom' y=5
 ┌ 1 ────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
 │                                                   │
 │                                                   │
 │                                                   │
 ├ 2 ──────────────────────┬ 3 ──────────────────────┤
 │      ╔ 2.1 ═════╗       │                         │
 │      ║          ║       │                         │
 │      ║          ║       │                         │
 │      ║          ║       │      ╔ 3.1.1 ═══╗       │
 │      ╚══════════╝       │      ║          ║       │
 │      ╔ 2.2 ═════╗ ┌ 4 ──┴────┐ ║          ║       │
 │      ║          ║ │          │ ║          ║       │
 │      ║          ║ │          │ ╠ 3.1.2 ═══╣       │
 │      ║          ║ │          │ ║          ║       │
 │      ╚══════════╝ └─────┬────┘ ║          ║       │
 │      ╔ 2.3 ═════╗       │      ║          ║       │
 │      ║          ║       │      ╚══════════╝       │
 │      ║          ║       │                         │
 │      ║          ║       │                         │
 │      ╚══════════╝       │                         │
 ├ 5 ──────────────────────┴─────────────────────────┤
 │                                                   │
 │                                                   │
 │                                                   │

Check the index.html file to see examples on hold.



Every text and title properties accept ${variable} format, every called variable must be registered in GLOBAL_VARIABLE_REGISTER.

Variable in title and text example
Code Preview
  <div id="menu" title="${sometitle}" width=12 height=4 x=2>
    <text text="${Translator.eng}" x=0 xalign="right"
    "My Title";
    {"eng": "cool", "ptb": "legal"};
┌ My Title ──┐
│            │
│            │
│            │
│        cool│

Actually, any numeric attribute (E.g with, height, value, etc) can be set with a single variable.

  <progress width="prg_siz" value="prg_val" max="prg_max"></progress>
  GLOBAL_VARIABLE_REGISTER['prg_val'] = 100;
  GLOBAL_VARIABLE_REGISTER['prg_max'] = 200;

Script Support

  • Prompter.EnableElement(eid, draw=true) - Remove disabled attribute of given element;
  • Prompter.DisableElement(eid, draw=true) - Add disabled attribute of given element;
  • Prompter.ToggleElement(eid, draw=true) - Toggle disabled attribute of given element;
  • Prompter.UpdateElement(eid, attrs, draw=true) - Update given attributes, attrs must be in {<attribute>:<value>,...} format;
  • Prompter.NewElement(type, attrs={}, pid=null, draw=true) - Create an element, id can be passed on attrs, second argument is the parent id, if null its prompt;
  • Prompter.DelElement(eid, draw=true) - Delete element with given id.

Note: If has no element with given id (same in parent id cases), this functions will return false. By default, at end of function will redraw the screen as long draw argument is true.

Internal Script Support

I do really hope you never have to manually call no one other than UpdateScreen when you need to refresh the page.

  • PrompterScreen.UpdateScreen() - Calls for PrompterScreen.CalcScreenSize passing false, and calls for PrompterScreen.HtmlConvert;
  • PrompterScreen.CalcScreenSize(drawAtEnd=true) - Recalculate the screen sizes, at end calls for PrompterScreen.ClearScreen passing the drawAtEnd property;
  • PrompterScreen.HtmlConvert() - Query over every element in HTML prompt and starts populate the internal mapping, at end calls for PrompterScreen.DrawScreen;
  • PrompterScreen.ClearScreen(drawAtEnd=true) - Emptyes the internal mapping based on default configurations, at end calls for PrompterScreen.DrawScreen;
  • PrompterScreen.DrawScreen() - Reads intern char mapping and do the magic to as fast as possible shows they as text in the screen.

Image Support

Images can be plotted in the canvas! If you have that awesome pixel art you just need to show in the prompt, you just need to convert to a properly readable string.

Actually images are read with full color support, but drawed in the prompt as monochromaticaly only, coloring will be supported in a new update soon, if you reading that warning, wait just a bit.

In the root of this library you can find an file called imageConversor.html that contains a web page with a easy to use converter from an image file to string based readable image, you can also access it here, the conversor tool will show the actual supported mapping of the image prompted, as well the string you will need to pass in the src field when adding the image in the screen.

Hint: You can save your string-like images anywhere you want, but its easier pass they all to the GLOBAL_VARIABLE_REGISTER to make a more readable HTML on development when passing to src image field.

Note: When using the variable format "${variable}" in a img src they will send an error message in console, if you are like me and want to suppress the error you can add a "#" at start of the src, so the interpreter will ignore that and also the browser will not shoot the error anymore. So will be just like "#${variable}".

HTML Support

  • DIV: converted to box

    Property Argument type Description
    id String Id of element
    border-color String Changes bordering color, any CSS valid color is available, including hex color
    clip Boolean If true clip text at end of line (default: false)
    color String Changes text color, any CSS valid color is available, including hex color
    disabled Boolean Disable element to be seen on screen (default: false)
    height Number Height of the box, can be a number or a percentage (E.g: "100%") (default: 3)
    style String CSS style, overwrites any other argument styling (Not recommended, use only if really necessary)
    text String Text printed inside the box
    title String Text printed at top of the box
    type String Box bordering type, can be none, single, bold, double, chess, bold
    width Number Width of the box, can be a number or a percentage (E.g: "100%") (default: 10)
    x Number Position x relative to its parent (default: 1)
    xalign String X alignment relative to parent, can be 'left', 'right' or 'center' (default: 'left')
    y Number Position y relative to its parent (default: 1)
    yalign String Y alignment relative to parent, can be 'top', 'bottom' or 'center' (default: 'top')
  • TEXT: converted to interactive text

    Property Argument type Description
    id String Id of element
    color String Changes text color, any CSS valid color is available, including hex color
    disabled Boolean Disable element to be seen on screen (default: false)
    onclick String Script to execute on click
    style String CSS style, overwrites any other argument styling (Not recommended, use only if really necessary)
    text String Actual text to display
    type String List of styles separated by space, valid ones are bold, underline and italic (default: '')
    x Number Position x relative to its parent (default: 1)
    xalign String X alignment relative to parent, can be 'left', 'right' or 'center' (default: 'left')
    y Number Position y relative to its parent (default: 1)
    yalign String Y alignment relative to parent, can be 'top', 'bottom' or 'center' (default: 'top')
  • PROGRESS: converted to horizontal progress bar, if width is adjusted to 1 can simulate a simple vertical bar

    Property Argument type Description
    id String Id of element
    color String Changes text color, any CSS valid color is available, including hex color
    disabled Boolean Disable element to be seen on screen (default: false)
    empty String Set the char to be used on unfilled part, setting as '' will not infill (default: ' ')
    fill String Set the char to be used on filled part (default: '█')
    height Number Height of the progress bar, can be a number or a percentage (E.g: "100%") (default: 1)
    max Number Defines the limit of progress (default: 100)
    style String CSS style, overwrites any other argument styling (Not recommended, use only if really necessary)
    value Number Defines the progress amount (default: 50)
    width Number Width of the progress bar, can be a number or a percentage (E.g: "100%") (default: 10)
    x Number Position x relative to its parent (default: 1)
    xalign String X alignment relative to parent, can be 'left', 'right' or 'center' (default: 'left')
    y Number Position y relative to its parent (default: 1)
    yalign String Y alignment relative to parent, can be 'top', 'bottom' or 'center' (default: 'top')
  • HR: a simple horizontal line

    Property Argument type Description
    id String Id of element
    color String Changes text color, any CSS valid color is available, including hex color
    disabled Boolean Disable element to be seen on screen (default: false)
    fill String Set the char to be used, overwrite type argument (default: null)
    style String CSS style, overwrites any other argument styling (Not recommended, use only if really necessary)
    type String line type, can be none, single, bold, double, chess, bold
    width Number Width of the line, can be a number or a percentage (E.g: "100%") (default: 10)
    x Number Position x relative to its parent (default: 1)
    xalign String X alignment relative to parent, can be 'left', 'right' or 'center' (default: 'left')
    y Number Position y relative to its parent (default: 1)
    yalign String Y alignment relative to parent, can be 'top', 'bottom' or 'center' (default: 'top')
  • IMAGE: converted to a pixel art image

    Property Argument type Description
    id String Id of element
    color String Changes image color, any CSS valid color is available, including hex color
    disabled Boolean Disable element to be seen on screen (default: false)
    height Number Height of the image, can be a number or a percentage (E.g: "100%") (default: 3)
    ignore String List of hexadecimals to be transparent, must be separated by commas and without spaces, and must use full 6 digits with # at start and no alpha. (example: "#000000,#ff0000", will ignore black and red and set as transparent pixel)
    src String Image mapping, need to be in a strict format, see more in Image Support
    style String CSS style, overwrites any other argument styling (Not recommended, use only if really necessary)
    width Number Width of the image, can be a number or a percentage (E.g: "100%") (default: 10)
    x Number Position x relative to its parent (default: 1)
    xalign String X alignment relative to parent, can be 'left', 'right' or 'center' (default: 'left')
    y Number Position y relative to its parent (default: 1)
    yalign String Y alignment relative to parent, can be 'top', 'bottom' or 'center' (default: 'top')

On Going

  • Add hover property to TEXT element to configure hover color;
  • Add Transparent=True/False to DIV / IMAGE elements to configure infill;
  • Width/height can be calculated (E.g. 100% - 30);
  • Add scroll property to DIV element;
  • Make IMG plot every color in src and consider transparent from PNG;

Known Issues

  • Title not clipping as expected;
  • Right/Bottom aligned does'nt affect x/y orientation;
  • IMG can't read PNG transparency, already planned as future feature.