React Phone catalog


Implement Phone catalog as already implemented here but using React.

Static files are available in this repo.

Use Phones API to fetch a list of phones and Phone Details API то fetch phone details. (Use actual phoneId as a last part of the URL before .json)


  1. Implement HomePage and PhonesPage available on / and /phones accordingly (only with headers for now)
  2. Implement top navigation to switch between pages (active page should be highlighted)
  3. Add NotFoundPage for all the other URLs with the link to HomePage
  4. Fetch phones from API when PhonesPage is opened.
  5. Implement a Loader to show it while waiting for the data from server
  6. Implement PhoneCatalog component displaying a list of phones and show it on the PhonesPage
  7. Implement PhoneDetailsPage available on /phones/:phoneId (links from catalog should open the details)
  8. Fetch the details when PhoneDetailsPage is opened. Use Loader
  9. Implement Phone was not found state for the PhoneDetailsPage if there is no phone with a given phoneId on the server
  10. Implement PhoneDetails component displaying the detailed info about the phone and show it on the PhoneDetailsPage
  11. Implement ability to switch between images in PhoneDetails
  12. Create a Filter component with an input to search and select to choose sort order and add it to the PhonesPage
    • use filter params in PhoneCatalog
  13. Implement Basket component storing an array of BasketItems
    • Each item should have id, quantity and phone - a link to a phone from phones array
  14. Implement Add button for each phone in PhoneCatalog
    • when you add a phone again its quantity should increase in Basket
  15. Add ability to remove items from the Basket with a x button
  16. Add ability to change the quantity in the Basket with - and + buttons around the quantity

Advanced tasks

  1. Save Filter params in the URL using queryParams (?query=moto&sort=age)
    • when the page is loaded with query and sort in the URL they should be applied to the filter and PhoneCatalog
  2. Add Pagination
    • Top Pagination should allow to select perPage
    • Bottom Pagination should show the info (4-6 of 20)
    • Save page and perPage in URL so it works together with the Filter
  3. Implement Add button for PhoneDetails so you can add a phone to the Basket from the PhoneDetailsPage
  4. Add animation to the PhoneCatalog
  5. Save the Basket to the localSotrage and read it on page load